How to find Your Best Jeans
Jeans are one of the most common items in our wardrobes and I bet you'll have at least one pair, if not more in yours!

Finding the right pair of jeans isn't easy especially as there's so much choice available.
1️⃣ Discover which style best flatters your body shape, scale and proportions. Try on various styles from skinny to slim, straight, boyfriend, wide-leg or boot-cut and take photos to help decide which you like best. Top tip: you should feel comfortable and 100% confident in any styles that you choose to buy. Often, it's not the jeans but the shoes that you choose to wear with them that make you believe they're not right for you so play around with footwear if you're not sure and see how that changes how you feel about them.

2️⃣ Choose the best length for you. If the jeans are too long, they could be tailored, rolled up or worn with heels, but does that suit your style personality & your lifestyle?
Top tip: it is worth investing in a tailor even if its for a pair of high street jeans. An impeccable fit will appear expensive every time.

3️⃣ Identify your best colour and wash. A heavier wash (denim washed before sale) will distress the denim, giving it a lighter colour and more casual look and feel. A darker denim will give a smarter look overall. Top tip: darker shades of denim will be slimming and elongating as attention will be drawn towards your feet or above your waist, whereas lighter ones may add volume to your frame.

Bonus tip: you may have heard fashion bloggers, retailers and the industry in general state that skinny jeans are no longer on trend. My job isn’t to tell you to buy what is fashionable, it’s my job to empower you to embrace whatever style and colour makes you happy and to provide you with the best personalised advice for your colouring, body shape, scale, proportions, lifestyle, personality and budget.

Do you struggle to find your best jeans? Let me know in the comments.
If you'd like to find out more about my personal style consultations, please sign up here for a free 30 minute discovery call.
Best wishes,
Hi, I'm Charlotte, International Personal Stylist in Geneva, Switzerland. I help women feel special everyday by building a unique and colourful signature style that suits your personal colouring, body shape, lifestyle and budget.
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